The Unix Shell

SWC @ University of Twente (General information)

November 11, 09:00-14:00 CEST

Néstor DelaPaz-Ruíz


Joel H. Nitta

Set up

Example data

  • Download and move the file to your Desktop.

  • Unzip/extract the file. You should end up with a new folder called shell-lesson-data on your Desktop.

Open a new shell

For instructions by operating system, see the Shell Lesson

Introducing the shell

Human-computer interaction

  • Humans interact with computers using GUI (graphical user interface) or CLI (command-line interface).

  • GUI: Intuitive, menu-driven, but not efficient for repetitive tasks.

  • CLI (Unix shell): Efficient for repetitive tasks, automates tasks quickly.

The Shell

  • The shell interprets and runs the commands typed by the user.

  • Popular Unix shell: Bash (Bourne Again SHell).

  • Benefits of using the shell:

    • Automates repetitive tasks
    • Efficient data handling with powerful pipelines
    • Essential for remote machine interaction and high-performance computing
    • Many open-source software programs must be used via a CLI
  • Today we will learn how to interact with the shell via commands

Shell interface

When you open the shell, you should see something like this:


Shell interface

  • The $ is the prompt, where you type your commands

  • Depending on your setup, it may look a little different, for example:

nelle@localhost $


The first command we will learn is ls, which lists the content of your current directory (we will come back to this later):

Desktop     Downloads   Movies      Pictures
Documents   Library     Music       Public

Nelle’s Pipeline

  • The example dataset is based on a story about “Nelle Nemo”
    • Context: Nelle Nemo is a marine biologist who samples marine life.
    • Nelle’s Goal: Process 1520 samples with to measure protein abundance.

Using a GUI, Nelle would need to manually run 1520 files, taking over 12 hours. Can Nelle do this more efficiently with the shell?


  • How can I move around on my computer?

  • How can I see what files and directories I have?

  • How can I specify the location of a file or directory on my computer?

What is a File System?

  • File System: Manages files and directories.
    • Files: Hold information (data).
    • Directories (= Folders): Hold files or other directories.

Where are we?

Use pwd to show your current working directory (where you “are” in your computer)


  • There are two meanings for the / character.
    • When it appears at the front of a file or directory name, it refers to the root directory.
    • When it appears inside a path, it’s just a separator.

For example, Nelle’s files are stored in /Users/nelle.

List files with ls

  • Use the -F option to adjust the output:
    • a trailing / indicates that this is a directory
    • @ indicates a link
    • * indicates an executable
ls -F

Clear the terminal

You can clear a cluttered terminal with clear


Get a help menu by adding --help:

ls --help


Or, add man in front of the command:

man ls

Challenge: ls

If pwd displays /Users/backup, and -r tells ls to display things in reverse order, what command(s) will result in the following output:

pnas_sub/ pnas_final/ original/
  1. ls pwd
  2. ls -r -F
  3. ls -r -F /Users/backup

Exploring other directories

ls -F Desktop

Move into other directories with cd

cd Desktop
cd shell-lesson-data
cd exercise-data

Shortcuts for moving: ..

.. takes you one directory higher

cd ..

Shortcuts for moving: ..

Note that if you use ls -a to show everything, you will see ..

Shortcuts for moving: ~

You can use ~ to move to your home directory

Shortcuts for moving: -

You can use - to move back to the directory you just came from

Absolute vs. relative paths

If you type a path that does not start with /, it means you are talking about a folder or file relative to your current location

If you type a path that starts with /, it means you are talking about a path from the root of the file system

Challenge: relative paths

If pwd displays /Users/thing, what will ls -F ../backup display?

  1. ../backup: No such file or directory
  2. 2012-12-01 2013-01-08 2013-01-27
  3. 2012-12-01/ 2013-01-08/ 2013-01-27/
  4. original/ pnas_final/ pnas_sub/

General Syntax of a Shell Command

General Syntax of a Shell Command

  • Options can usually be written in two ways:
    • Long form -- (ls --all)
    • Short form - (ls -a)
  • Spaces matter (ls-F means the command “ls-F”)
  • Capitalization matters (ls -s vs ls -S)

Tab completion

The shell will finish typing the names of files and folders for you when you press the tab key

Try it from ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/

ls north-pacific-gyre/
ls north-pacific-gyre/goo

(press the tab key twice to see what files start with goo)

Working With Files and Directories


  • How can I create, copy, and delete files and directories?

  • How can I edit files?

Make a new directory with mkdir

  • Make sure we are in shell-lesson-data, then enter exercise-data/writing

  • Have a look around, then create a new directory called thesis:

mkdir thesis

Make a new directory with mkdir

You can create a nested directory using -p

mkdir -p ../project/data ../project/results

Check what you did (-R is the option to ls that will list all nested subdirectories within a directory):

ls -FR ../project

Best practices: names for files and directories

  1. Don’t use spaces.
  2. Don’t begin the name with - (dash).
  3. Stick with letters, numbers, . (period or ‘full stop’), - (dash) and _ (underscore).

Create a text file

nano is a text editor program. It will create a file and open it for editing.

cd thesis
nano draft.txt

Press Ctrl+o to save (as indicated by ^O), then Ctrl+x to exit

Create a text file with touch

touch my_file.txt

Delete a file with rm

rm my_file.txt
  • rm is forever! (no recycle bin). Be very careful when you use it.

Move or rename files and folders with mv

Enter shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/writing:

cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/writing

Let’s rename draft.txt:

mv thesis/draft.txt thesis/quotes.txt

(check the results with ls)

Move or rename files and folders with mv

  • Like rm, there is no “undo” button for mv: it will over-write any file with the same name, so use carefully!

Let’s move quotes.txt into our current directory:

mv thesis/quotes.txt .

Check ls thesis

Copy files and folders with cp

  • cp is similar to mv, but copies instead of moves
cp quotes.txt thesis/quotations.txt
ls quotes.txt thesis/quotations.txt

Copy files and folders with cp

  • Note that you can’t just cp a folder:
cp thesis thesis_backup
cp: -r not specified; omitting directory 'thesis'

Copy files and folders with cp

  • To copy a folder and all its contents, use the -r (recursive) option
cp -r thesis thesis_backup

Delete folders with rm -r

  • Similar to using -r for cp, you need -r to delete a folder:
rm -r thesis
  • Again, be careful!!

Moving, copying, or removing multiple files

  • You can move or copy multiple files to a folder by typing all the file names first, then the folder last.
    • Let’s test this in shell-lesson-data/exercise-data:
mkdir backup
cp creatures/minotaur.dat creatures/unicorn.dat backup/

Using wildcards for accessing multiple files at once

  • Moving multiple files at once is handy, but that was a lot of typing

  • We can use * and ? to match multiple file names. These are called “wildcards”

Using wildcards for accessing multiple files at once

  • Consider the files in shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes:

  • *: Represents zero or more characters.

    • Example: *.pdb matches ethane.pdb, propane.pdb, etc.
    • Example: p*.pdb matches pentane.pdb, propane.pdb.

Using wildcards for accessing multiple files at once

  • ?: Represents exactly one character.
    • Example: ?ethane.pdb matches methane.pdb.
    • Example: *ethane.pdb matches ethane.pdb, methane.pdb.
    • Example: ???ane.pdb matches cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, octane.pdb.

Wildcard expansion

  • Shell expands wildcards to list matching filenames before running the command.
  • If no match, the wildcard expression is passed as is.
  • Example: ls *.pdf in a directory with only .pdb files results in an error.

Challenge: List filenames matching a pattern

When run in the alkanes directory, which ls command(s) will produce this output?

ethane.pdb methane.pdb
  1. ls *t*ane.pdb
  2. ls *t?ne.*
  3. ls *t??ne.pdb
  4. ls ethane.*

Challenge: Organizing

Jamie is working on a project, and she sees that her files aren’t very well organized:

$ ls -F
analyzed/  fructose.dat    raw/   sucrose.dat

The fructose.dat and sucrose.dat files contain output from her data analysis. What command(s) covered in this lesson does she need to run so that the commands below will produce the output shown?

$ ls -F
analyzed/   raw/
$ ls analyzed
fructose.dat    sucrose.dat

Challenge: Reproduce a file structure

You’re starting a new experiment and would like to duplicate the directory structure from your previous experiment so you can add new data.

Assume that the previous experiment is in a folder called 2016-05-18, which contains a data folder that in turn contains folders named raw and processed that contain data files. The goal is to copy the folder structure of the 2016-05-18 folder into a folder called 2016-05-20 so that your final directory structure looks like this:

└── data
   ├── processed
   └── raw

Which of the following set of commands would achieve this objective? What would the other commands do?

See answer options here

Pipes and Filters


  • How can I combine existing commands to produce a desired output?

  • How can I show only part of the output?

Example: how big are the pdb files?

  • Nelle needs to determine the pdb file with the fewest lines of text in the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes directory.

  • She can do this with wc, which counts text in a file:

$ wc cubane.pdb
20  156 1158 cubane.pdb
  • The output shows number of lines, words, and characters

Use a wildcard to apply wc to all files

Check the number of lines of text in all .pdb files:

wc -l *.pdb

This works for a few, but what if we had thousands?

Save output to a text file

Let’s send the results to a file with > and read out the contents with cat:

wc -l *.pdb > lengths.txt
cat lengths.txt

(note that >> will add to an existing file)

Sort the output

Next, use sort to sort the output, then save it to a file, then finally get the first entry of that file with head:

sort -n lengths.txt
sort -n lengths.txt > sorted-lengths.txt
head -n 1 sorted-lengths.txt

Whew! We did it!

Challenge: Appending Data

tail is similar to head, but prints lines from the end of a file instead.

Consider the file shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/animal-counts/animals.csv. After these commands, select the answer that corresponds to the file animals-subset.csv:

$ head -n 3 animals.csv > animals-subset.csv
$ tail -n 2 animals.csv >> animals-subset.csv
  1. The first three lines of animals.csv
  2. The last two lines of animals.csv
  3. The first three lines and the last two lines of animals.csv
  4. The second and third lines of animals.csv

The pipe

  • So that worked, but it relied on two intermediate text files (lengths.txt and sorted-lengths.txt). That is confusing.

  • We can streamline the analysis by sending the results of one command directly into the input of another with the pipe: |

sort -n lengths.txt | head -n 1

Chaining pipes

  • In fact, we can combine multiple commands with multiple pipes. That way we don’t need any intermediate files!
wc -l *.pdb | sort -n
wc -l *.pdb | sort -n | head -n 1

Nelle’s Pipeline: Checking Files

  • Nelle has run her samples through the assay machines and created 17 files in north-pacific-gyre
cd north-pacific-gyre
wc -l *.txt

Nelle’s Pipeline: Checking Files

  • Nelle checks to see if any files are much shorter than the others
wc -l *.txt | sort -n | head -n 5

Nelle’s Pipeline: Checking Files

  • Nelle checks to see if any files are much longer than the others
wc -l *.txt | sort -n | tail -n 5
 300 NENE02040B.txt
 300 NENE02040Z.txt
 300 NENE02043A.txt
 300 NENE02043B.txt
5040 total
  • What’s that file with a Z?

Nelle’s Pipeline: Checking Files

  • All of Nelle’s samples should be marked A or B; by convention, her lab uses Z to indicate samples with missing information. To find others like it, she does this:
ls *Z.txt
  • Remember this for future exercises: Nelle will need to select files with NENE*A.txt or NENE*B.txt

Challenge: Removing Unneeded Files

Suppose you want to delete your processed data files, and only keep your raw files and processing script to save storage.

The raw files end in .dat and the processed files end in .txt.

Which of the following would remove all the processed data files, and only the processed data files?

  1. rm ?.txt
  2. rm *.txt
  3. rm * .txt
  4. rm *.*

Challenge: Pipe Reading

A file called animals.csv (in the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/animal-counts folder) contains the following data:


What are the contents of final.txt? (the sort -r command sorts in reverse)

$ cat animals.csv | head -n 5 | tail -n 3 | sort -r > final.txt



  • How can I perform the same actions on many different files?

About loops

  • Loops allow us to repeat the same command as many times as needed
    • reduces typing effort
    • minimizes typing mistakes

Using loops to extract data

  • Scenario: Extract classification from genome files.

  • Files: basilisk.dat, minotaur.dat, unicorn.dat in exercise-data/creatures

  • Structure:

    • 1st line: Common name
    • 2nd line: Taxonomic classification
    • 3rd line: Updated date
    • Following lines: DNA sequences
head -n 5 basilisk.dat minotaur.dat unicorn.dat

Using loops to extract data

Our goal: Print the classification (2nd line) for each file.

General form of a loop:

for thing in list_of_things
    operation_using/command $thing

Using loops to extract data

For our situation:

$ for filename in basilisk.dat minotaur.dat unicorn.dat
> do
>     echo $filename
>     head -n 2 $filename | tail -n 1
> done

$filename is a variable that gets filled in by the shell

A few details…

  • The shell prompt changes from $ to > and back again as we were typing in our loop.

  • A semicolon, ;, can be used to separate two commands written on a single line.

  • If the shell prints > or $ then it expects you to type something, and the symbol is a prompt.

  • If you type > or $ yourself, it is an instruction from you that the shell should redirect output or get the value of a variable.

  • You can put the variable name in curly braces: ${filename}. This makes it easier to distinguish the variable from surrounding text (like ${file}name)

Hint: use meaningful variable names

  • In the last example, we used for filename and $filename, but we could just have easily said for x and $x. Is this a good idea?

No, because it is not clear what the variable refers to. It is better to use variable names that convey their meaning.

Challenge: Variables in loops

This exercise refers to the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes directory. ls *.pdb gives the following output:

cubane.pdb  ethane.pdb  methane.pdb  octane.pdb  pentane.pdb  propane.pdb

What is the output of the following code?

$ for datafile in *.pdb
> do
>     ls *.pdb
> done

Now, what is the output of the following code?

$ for datafile in *.pdb
> do
>     ls $datafile
> done

Why do these two loops give different outputs?

Challenge: Limiting Sets of Files (1/2)

What would be the output of running the following loop in the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes directory?

$ for filename in c*
> do
>     ls $filename
> done
  1. No files are listed.
  2. All files are listed.
  3. Only cubane.pdb, octane.pdb and pentane.pdb are listed.
  4. Only cubane.pdb is listed.

Challenge: Limiting Sets of Files (2/2)

How would the output differ from using this command instead?

$ for filename in *c*
> do
>     ls $filename
> done
  1. The same files would be listed.
  2. All the files are listed this time.
  3. No files are listed this time.
  4. The files cubane.pdb and octane.pdb will be listed.
  5. Only the file octane.pdb will be listed.

Challenge Saving to a File in a Loop (1/2)

In the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes directory, what is the effect of this loop?

for alkanes in *.pdb
    echo $alkanes
    cat $alkanes > alkanes.pdb
  1. Prints cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, methane.pdb, octane.pdb, pentane.pdb and propane.pdb, and the text from propane.pdb will be saved to a file called alkanes.pdb.
  2. Prints cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, and methane.pdb, and the text from all three files would be concatenated and saved to a file called alkanes.pdb.
  3. Prints cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, methane.pdb, octane.pdb, and pentane.pdb, and the text from propane.pdb will be saved to a file called alkanes.pdb.
  4. None of the above.

Saving to a File in a Loop (2/2)

Also in the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes directory, what would be the output of the following loop?

for datafile in *.pdb
    cat $datafile >> all.pdb
  1. All of the text from cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, methane.pdb, octane.pdb, and pentane.pdb would be concatenated and saved to a file called all.pdb.
  2. The text from ethane.pdb will be saved to a file called all.pdb.
  3. All of the text from cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, methane.pdb, octane.pdb, pentane.pdb and propane.pdb would be concatenated and saved to a file called all.pdb.
  4. All of the text from cubane.pdb, ethane.pdb, methane.pdb, octane.pdb, pentane.pdb and propane.pdb would be printed to the screen and saved to a file called all.pdb.

Nelle’s Pipeline: Processing Files

  • Context: Nelle needs to process protein sample files using

  • Script: calculates statistics from a protein sample file.

    • Takes two arguments:
      • Input file: Raw data file.
      • Output file: File to store calculated statistics.

Nelle’s Pipeline, step 1

  • Nelle decides to build commands step-by-step.

  • Step 1: Select the right input files.

    • Criteria: Filenames ending in A or B, not Z.
$ cd
$ cd Desktop/shell-lesson-data/north-pacific-gyre
$ for datafile in NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt
> do
>     echo $datafile
> done

Nelle’s Pipeline, step 2

  • Next step: decide what to call the files that the analysis program will create.

  • Prefixing each input file’s name with stats seems clear:

$ for datafile in NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt
> do
>     echo $datafile stats-$datafile
> done

Nelle’s Pipeline, step 3

  • Instead of typing in everything again, press the up arrow key:
for datafile in NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt; do echo $datafile stats-$datafile; done

The ; has the same effect as a line-break

  • Go back into the command with the left-arrow key and edit it:
for datafile in NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt; do bash $datafile stats-$datafile; done

Nelle’s Pipeline, step 4

  • Why don’t we see any output? just writes out the results file without printing anything to the screen. Let’s kill the script with Ctrl + c, then add an echo to display the name of the file:

for datafile in NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt; do echo $datafile;
bash $datafile stats-$datafile; done

We can inspect the output by opening another shell window

Shell Scripts

The Power of Shell Scripts

  • Scripts are small programs that automate tasks.
    • Save frequently used commands in files.
    • Re-run operations with a single command.
  • Advantages:
    • Speed: Faster execution of repeated tasks.
    • Accuracy: Fewer typos.
    • Reproducibility: Easy to reproduce results later.

First script

  • Navigate to alkanes/.
  • Create a new script file and open it with nano:
cd alkanes

First script

Type this in the script (it should look familiar):

head -n 15 octane.pdb | tail -n 5

Now we can run the script:


Using a variable in a script

  • This script would be much more useful if we could run it on any file, not just octane.pdb.

  • Open it again in nano and modify it like so:

head -n 15 "$1" | tail -n 5

The "$1" means ‘the first filename (or other argument) on the command line’. Try it out!

About double quotes

  • We use the double quotes in case any filenames that you enter may have spaces (otherwise the shell would think they are two arguments)

Using multiple variables

  • We can make our script even more flexible (and useful) by allowing the user to specify the starting and ending lines:
head -n "$2" "$1" | tail -n "$3"
  • Try it out!
bash pentane.pdb 15 5

Challenge: Variables in Shell Scripts

In the alkanes directory, imagine you have a shell script called containing the following commands:

head -n $2 $1
tail -n $3 $1

While you are in the alkanes directory, you type the following command:

$ bash '*.pdb' 1 1

Which of the following outputs would you expect to see?

  1. All of the lines between the first and the last lines of each file ending in .pdb in the alkanes directory
  2. The first and the last line of each file ending in .pdb in the alkanes directory
  3. The first and the last line of each file in the alkanes directory
  4. An error because of the quotes around *.pdb

Adding comments

  • We can make our script easier to understanding by providing some comments that explain how it works:
# Select lines from the middle of a file.
# Usage: bash filename end_line num_lines
head -n "$2" "$1" | tail -n "$3"

Processing many files in a script

  • So far, we have been able to input one file into a script with something like "$1"

  • But what if we have many files we want to input?

Solution: "$@"

  • "$@" means ‘All of the command-line arguments to the shell script’

Processing many files in a script

  • Example: a script to sort files by their length, called
# Sort files by their length.
# Usage: bash one_or_more_filenames
wc -l "$@" | sort -n

Try it!

bash *.pdb ../creatures/*.dat

Challenge: Script Reading

For this question, consider the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/alkanes directory once again. This contains a number of .pdb files in addition to any other files you may have created. Explain what each of the following three scripts would do when run as bash *.pdb, bash *.pdb, and bash *.pdb respectively.

# Script 1
echo *.*
# Script 2
for filename in $1 $2 $3
    cat $filename
# Script 3
echo $@.pdb

Finding things

What is grep?

  • “To grep something” has become a verb kind of like “To google something”

  • grep is a computer program that searches for text

  • Our examples will use haiku about programming that were featured in Salon magazine

cd Desktop/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/writing
cat haiku.txt

First grep example

  • Let’s find lines of text with the word not:
grep not haiku.txt

Matching whole words

  • What happens when we search for The
grep The haiku.txt
  • It matches Thesis. How can we match only the whole word The?
    • Use -w (for “word”)

Matching phrases

  • Use quotes
grep -w "is not" haiku.txt
  • Actually, it’s better to use quotes even with single words to make clear what you are searching for vs. the file you are searching

Display matching line numbers with -n

grep -n "it" haiku.txt

Combining options (flags)

  • -n: Show the line number
  • -w: Only match whole words
  • -i: Make search case-insensitive
grep -n -w -i "the" haiku.txt

(you can also combine these into -nwi)


  • Invert the search (match all other lines) with -v:
grep -nwv "the" haiku.txt

Regular expressions

  • The re in grep stands for “Regular Expressions”

  • Regular expressions are kind of like wildcards: they can match certain patterns in text

  • This is one of the most powerful features of grep

For example, this finds any text with an “o” as the second character (-E turns on matching via regular expressions, the ^ matches the start of a line, and the . matches any single character):

 grep -E "^.o" haiku.txt

Challenge: Using grep

Which command would result in the following output:

and the presence of absence:
  1. grep "of" haiku.txt
  2. grep -E "of" haiku.txt
  3. grep -w "of" haiku.txt
  4. grep -i "of" haiku.txt

About find

  • While grep finds lines in files, the find command finds files themselves.

Try it out from shell-lesson-data/exercise-data:

find .

Find directories with -type d

find . -type d

Find files with -type f

find . -type f

Find files matching a particular name with -name

find . -name *.txt

Wait a sec - I thought there were more text files?

  • This behavior is because of shell expansion
    • bash interpreted this command as find . -name numbers.txt

Find files matching a particular name with -name

  • We need to prevent the shell from expanding the names of files by putting that part in quotes
find . -name "*.txt"

Combining wc and find

  • Let’s count lines of text in .txt files:
wc -l $(find . -name "*.txt")
  • The code in parenthesis gets run first

Combining grep and find

  • Let’s find txt files that contain the word “searching” by looking for the string ‘searching’ in all the .txt files in the current directory:
grep "searching" $(find . -name "*.txt")

The power of small programs together

  • By combining relatively simple, small programs using techniques like $() and the pipe (|), we can achieve very powerful results with a small amount of code

  • This is the beauty of the shell!

Challenge: Matching and Subtracting

Remember, the -v option to grep inverts pattern matching, so that only lines which do not match the pattern are printed. Given that, which of the following commands will find all .dat files in creatures except unicorn.dat? Once you have thought about your answer, you can test the commands in the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data directory.

  1. find creatures -name "*.dat" | grep -v unicorn
  2. find creatures -name *.dat | grep -v unicorn
  3. grep -v "unicorn" $(find creatures -name "*.dat")
  4. None of the above.